
Blog Posts

Lazarillo Integrates Lyft Bike and Scooter Corrals Into App

Lazarillo Integrates Lyft Bike and Scooter Corrals Into App

Lyft is expanding its partnership with Lazarillo, a free app-based service that helps people with visual disabilities navigate through their city and environments to actively participate in society, to include integration of bike and scooter corrals into their app and...

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Lazarillo Announces Partnership With Lyft and BIKETOWN

Lazarillo Announces Partnership With Lyft and BIKETOWN

Lazarillo is proud to announce our partnership with Lyft and BIKETOWN in Portland, which will allow us to make navigating streets safer for people with disabilities.  Lazarillo is a free app-based service that helps people with disabilities to navigate and actively...

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Lazarillo Partners With Tier

Lazarillo Partners With Tier

Lazarillo partners with tier to further increase safety and improve communication between people with disabilities and micromobility operators Tier has integrated its services with the Lazarillo app to allow people who are blind or visually impaired to be given...

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